Improsec is proud to announce our accreditation by Open CSIRT Foundation as the first commercial listed CSIRT out of Denmark.

Improsec is proud to announce our accreditation by Open CSIRT Foundation as the first commercial listed CSIRT out of Denmark.

As a TF-CSIRT (Taskforce Computer Security Incident Response Team) accredited team, Improsec has demonstrated in-depth knowledge of policies, procedures, guidelines, and tools to handle security incidents efficiently. In addition to maturity, transparency, and effective cooperation skills.

This accreditation is just one part of Improsec’s plan of continued growth, experience, and proven maturity. The accreditation is the first step towards certification which can be initiated after 8 months of accreditation in “good standing”.

Improsec’s CISRT team has chosen to pursue accreditation by Trusted Introducer because it is a non-profit task force under the independent and reputable Open CSIRT Foundation. Open CSIRT is a non-profit foundation with a mission of stimulating and contributing to the state-of-the-art in Internet security worldwide that aligns with Improsec’s values of offering technically advanced, independent services free from commercial influence.

Furthermore, TF-CSIRT is founded on the SIM3 standard – the Security Incident Management Maturity Model. The SIM3 standard is adopted by ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, as a measuring point for compliance with the NIS2 directive for incident handling. Read more from ENISA here: CSIRT Maturity Framework — ENISA (

Trusted Introducer : Directory : Improsec CSIRT (DK) (