Improsec is proud to annouce our membership in FIRST — Improsec | improving security

Improsec is proud to annouce our membership in FIRST

Improsec is proud to announce our membership in the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, FIRST.

FIRST is a peer-to-peer network of 656 Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs), Product Security Incident Response Teams (PSIRTs), and independent security researchers worldwide that work together to limit the damage of security incidents. This collaboration requires a high level of trust and it is that trust which fuels the teamwork.

FIRST membership is just one part of Improsec’s plan of continued growth, experience, and proven maturity. The overall reason for Improsec aiming to join IR communities like FIRST is to gain access to trusted communities worldwide to learn and share from like-minded security teams, to meet the core values of Improsec – on making the world a safer place, and improving security.

Improsec’s membership process was supported by DK CERT and Ørsted, who was responsible for performing a site visit, a comprehensive review of our IR processes and validating that Improsec lives up to FIRST’s standards. 

Discover more about FIRST at

Learn more about Improsec A/S’s Incident Response Services at Incident Response — Improsec | improving security
